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"The faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses" - Oxford Languages.


I feel ideas and pieces of inspiration constantly floating through and around me, after a time of experience I have found ways I personally capture ideas best and trigger new ones.

1. Journaling

A goal of mine in the new year which has now become a daily occurrence, a place to set myself goals, daily tasks, and reflect.  

2. Imagination playlist on Spotify

Music is a huge part of my life, I use it as both an escape and an experience. At the beginning of the year, I created this playlist and I find myself coming back to it often, either to help spark creativity or practice piecing visuals to songs on the playlist - feel free to check it out. 

3. Challenging myself as a crtical thinker 

I have started challenging myself more as a critical thinker and asking why I dislike or like a text. I admire people that have strong opinions on media and want to grow and challenge my own views. I keep a list of movies I have watched in my dairy and give reasoning as to why I either liked or disliked the movie. 

4. Having my notes app handy at all times

The notes app on my phone and laptop has become my favourite way of quickly capturing ideas as they come to me, sometimes just as little as one sentence or a whole page full of an idea - whatever it is, it's in there. 

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